Val & Elena
When people think about a photo studio, the first image that pops into their head is usually that of a sexy model "making love to the camera" Austin Powers-style. That's why every time I ask people to model for me they say: "But I don't know how to do that."
So - meet Val & Elena, my flatmates, not professional models. Working with them was a pleasure and I think they're proof that you don't have to do something or be someone in front of the camera. You just have to enjoy yourself. And not take things too seriously - that's the photographer's job.

So - meet Val & Elena, my flatmates, not professional models. Working with them was a pleasure and I think they're proof that you don't have to do something or be someone in front of the camera. You just have to enjoy yourself. And not take things too seriously - that's the photographer's job.

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