Perfect Day @ Birmingham Botanical Gardens

As Lou Reed once put it:

Just a perfect day,
Feed animals in the zoo
Then later, a movie, too,
And then home.

I didn't go to the Zoo on Sunday, nor did I drink sangria in the Park, but I took a trip to the Botanical Gardens, and caught a movie after that, so I had to mention the song :)

Anyway, it was so sunny and warm, that all I felt like doing was photograph flowers. A cheesy set of pics, what can I say, but you know what, I've never actually shot flowers before.

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Or fish, for that matter:

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And let's not forget about Mr. Peacock, of course, who was roaming free around the garden and really enjoyed being a model.

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And I hope he'll like the photos, otherwise I've been warned he might get mad.

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Back to my gloomy self from tomorrow on :)


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